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Prayer for those Fighting Depression

Father, in the name of Jesus, we come humbly before Your throne of mercy and grace, entreating You to move on behalf of Your children.

Father, toady we raise to you those who struggle to defeat the demonic spirit of depression. Lord God, they struggle in silence daily. They push themselves just to rise from their beds. Every task is difficult to perform because they live under the shadow of things not done well or assignments left incomplete. They believe Your joy to be their strength; and yet, joy is far from them.

Help them today, Father by the power of Your precious Holy Spirit, to walk in victory and find that promised place where peace surpasses understanding. Holy Spirit, teach the people of God how to free themselves from the spirit of anxiety, for the word of God teaches that “Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” We stand in the gap today for all our sisters and brothers of faith, touching and agreeing, declaring, and decreeing that we will be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we will let our requests be made known to You, O God our Father.

Guard the hearts and minds of Your suffering servants, through Jesus Christ. We bind up every physical ailment; every sickness and disease resulting from stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. We speak life, not death. We declare that Your people shall walk in divine health. Our bodies are healed. Our minds are healthy. Our spirits are whole, through Jesus Christ.

Father God, release divine strategies so that they might see Your plan to prosper them in every area of their lives. Holy Spirit, sharpen their spirit of discernment so that they might confidently pursue the path the Father has chosen for them. They will not continue in this dark place. We call them out today. We call Your people out of the valley of despair, out from the caves of isolation, out from the darkness of midnight. We declare that they will exchange the cloak of heaviness for the garment of praise. Send a refreshing wind to breathe new life into their fatigued spirits. We corporately declare and decree that the yoke of depression is being destroyed from the necks of Your people.

Jesus, You came that we might have life, and that we might have it in abundance. By Your name, I declare an abundance of joy, an abundance of power, an abundance of healing, and strength to Your people in Your name.

Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for testimonies that will manifest as the spirit of depression is defeated in the lives of Your people. Holy Spirit, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy, help us to meditate on these things.

God of peace, be with Your children, in Jesus’s name.


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