Father, we glorify Your name. we acknowledge You as the One, True and Living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Today, we come lifting up Your Church. We lift up those who claim salvation through the blood of Jesus. We pray, expressly, for the Church in America. We have lost our way and this nation is suffering as a result. We have become more political than prophetic, more concerned about winning arguments than winning souls. We are disconnected from you, divided from each other, and disoriented by our environment. We seek Your hand more than Your face. We want the blessings of covenant without the commitment of relationship.
Forgive us our trespasses. Holy Spirit, send revival to the Church. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, COGIC, COG, COOLJC, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Catholic; every denomination and every nondenominational fellowship, in Jesus’s name. Send revival to the Evangelicals and the Charismatics. Send revival to the West Coast, the Dust Bowl, the Sun Belt, the Bible Belt, the Midwest, the South the Northeast; from coast to coast and border to border—from Alaska to Hawaii. Send revival. Not so we can speak in tongues but so we can speak Truth. Not so we can run and dance “in the Spirit” but so we can walk in integrity and stand on Your Word. Not so we can fill pews with people but so we can fill people with Your power.
Help us to break down the idols we have erected. Help us to break free from selfish motivation and destroy the cult of personality that cripples true ministry. Remind us that it is through the preaching of the gospel that You are pleased to save them that believe. A politician cannot save us. A political party will not save us, and an election will not put this nation on the right course. But if Your people who are called by Your name will humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, You have promised You will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. You are the God who keeps Your promises. Holy Spirit, help us to satisfy the prerequisites the precede the promises.
Help Your Church, Father.
Jesus, intercede for the people who are under Your blood.
Holy Spirit, revive us again, in Jesus’s name.