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Prayer for Church Leadership


Father, we come today lifting up to You the men and women You have set in Your body to lead Your people and establish order in Your Kingdom. We lift every apostle, bishop, overseer, pastor and elder to You.

The pressures of ministry in this season are intensely burdensome and many are succumbing under the heavy load.

We pray for Your leaders, their spouses and families and the ministries over which they preside. We come against demonic spirits of death, despair, suicide, and sabotage, in the name of Jesus. We speak life now. We speak favor now. We speak hope now.

Strengthen their faith. Succor their families. Stretch their finances. We call an end to making ends meet in their personal lives and ministries and declare the season of increase and overflow has come. Keep the doors of Your churches open.

Cause the members of the body of Christ to catch fire with a spirit of service and energy for evangelism. Release a spirit of giving that will open the floodgates of abundance in the churches and in the lives of the people and leadership. Send Your leaders exceptional help from unexpected places. Cause leaders to dream again and send people who will work to make those dreams come alive.

We render the tools of the enemy powerless in the lives of Your anointed. Alcoholism, drug use and addiction, sexual dalliances, depression, suicidal thoughts, infirmity, sickness, premature death, self-deprivation and mutilation, fear of failure; we bind it all now by the power of the blood. Cause Your servants to sit together in heavenly places and exercise Kingdom authority from a place above the chaos. Every despairing spirit, demonic spirit, deceitful spirit, distracting spirit, debilitating spirit and destructive spirit be damned today.

Uphold Your men and women whom You have called to lead so that they no longer walk away from the assignments You have given. Let this prayer be contagious so that a tidal wave of prayer for Your apostles, bishops, overseers, pastors, and elders will sweep across this land. Revive, restore, and renew Your righteous remnant, in the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus the Christ, the crucified, Savior, the risen Lord and the soon-coming King.


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