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Prayer for America

Father God, in the powerful name of Your Son, Jesus, the Christ and Resurrected Lord, I stand with other Intercessors across this nation to rebuke and repel every Satanic attack. From the northernmost tip of Alaska to the southernmost point of Hawaii; from the western edge of Alaska to the eastern tip of Maine, we plead the blood of Jesus over these United States.

Spirits of death, destruction, divisiveness, deception, disarray, despair, decay, and depression are derailed by the power of the name that is above every name—Jesus. Every murderous Spirit, malevolent spirit, masquerading spirit, and marauding spirit is commanded to move from their places of encampment back to the pit of hell from whence they came.

Holy Spirit, touch the people in this country who profess to know the One, True God—Yahweh—with Your finger of fire and free us from everything not of God. Let repentance gush forth from us and revival come forth from You. Cleanse this nation of the deeply embedded stains of the sins of our forefathers and keep this nation safe from every demonic attack, within and without, in Jesus’s name.

We cover every living member of our bloodline, by the power of the blood of Jesus. We pray that the unsaved will be saved before death touches their bodies or the Lord returns. We cancel generational curses and declare that our family tree has been engrafted into the True Vine forever. The thoughts and plans of the Father for us, our families and our friends will not be derailed but they are coming to fruition now in Jesus’s name. We give You praise, glory and honor; for You will do this by Your mighty power because of Your great love, in the name of Your exalted Son, Jesus the Christ. We pray in His name.


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